A free world is a collection of free individuals. Our duty to ourselves (and therefore our world), is to exercise freedom in our personal lives. What is freedom and how do we exercise it? Below I have listed the main criteria for my sense of personal freedom. I encourage you to explore your own.


  • Being honest, vulnerable, and open. In personal freedom, I can afford transparency. The alternative is too costly.
  • Speaking my Truth, irrespective of potential judgment, condemnation, and disagreement from others.
  • Sustainable Practices. Engaging in habits that empower me. Eating well, regular meditation, yoga, and exercise, positivity, open-mindedness, work ethic, supportive relationships, learning, goals, etc.
  • Acting on my Desires. Being free enough to take action on my vision and that which truly matters to me.
  • Embracing the Unknown and unfamiliar. Trusting my freedom enough to step out of my comfort zone. This is where massive personal growth occurs.
  • The Courage to Evolve. Keeping an open mind and a humble heart. Embracing receptivity as a vital component to being free.
  • Being of Service to others. “We only keep what we give away.” Sharing the gifts of my freedom with others. Using my freedom to contribute to the world.

So often we attribute the source of our freedom to the system, to the government, to our money, to those we come in conflict with, to a particular circumstance. These may be obstacles, but they are not a cage. In fact, when something feels confining and does not resonate, that’s our invitation to look more deeply and explore where our freedom is being suffocated.

The battleground of freedom is at Home.  Here and Now.
Be True to you and Freedom will Unfold Within.


All original material copyright © 2016 Matthew Spangler

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