Yes. Whatever happens naturally, happens for good. That being said, there are many unique styles and approaches to Meditation. The interpretation of falling asleep while meditating (its degree of okay-ness) will be relative to the style and tradition you are inquiring with. I will speak from my own experience and area of expertise: Vedic Meditation. In our practice, we emphasize the principle: whatever happens naturally, happens for good. From the perspective of the Vedic worldview, control is opposed to evolution. This means that when we resist what is occurring naturally, we are actually stymieing the flow of evolution. Oftentimes, we resist our current experience because we think doing so will produce the best results. Our practice invites us to release control and embody the space of surrender. Vedic Meditation is an invitation into these deeper layers of letting go. This means if the body’s intelligence says it’s time to sleep, it’s time to sleep.
Stress Release
Among the most powerful effects of consistent meditation: the natural and effective release of stress. Stress expresses itself through a multitude of shapes, flavors, and colors. Trauma, sadness, anger, self-doubt, worry, anxiety, toxicity, reactivity, boredom, and fatigue (to name a few). Fatigue is a powerful form of stress and has the potential to build exponentially when it goes unaddressed. Most modern humans are running around with accumulated fatigue on board. Meditation creates the ideal environment for your body to highlight and release the stress it has absorbed: both superficially and historically. This means, if we’re carrying a load of fatigue in our body, Meditation will act as a catalyst for its unwinding and release. How do we experience the release of fatigue? We become tired, we feel like falling asleep. It’s good to honor what naturally comes up in Meditation because an evolutionary process is occurring. Your practice has created the ideal conditions for the release of stress, in this case, fatigue. This is house cleaning, on a metaphysical level.
Control Is Opposed To Evolution
Vedic Meditation comes from the Vedas. The Vedas teach us that ‘control is opposed to evolution.’ The individual human intellect, with its propensity towards egoic control, loves to believe it knows what’s best. It can’t help but to operate from a limited, narrow, immediate gratification-esque vantage point. There is a far deeper, more expansive intelligence at play here. The same intelligence beating our hearts, growing the earth’s flowers, and organizing worldly synchronicities. This intelligence is what we are surrendering to in Meditation. We practice letting go of what we think should happen, even what we want to happen, in service of aligning with what’s actually happening. Resistance is persistence. Embracing our experience creates the space to Be free from it. In Vedic Meditation, we practice the arts of effortlessness and surrender. This means we lay down our control, release specific outcomes, and bask in the process itself; With openness, with curiosity, with a perpetual attitude of letting go. This means that if fatigue arises in Meditation, we know it’s happening for our evolutionary good. The process is being facilitated by Nature’s Intelligence. It’s now our job to get out of the way. Namaste!
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