Life Coaches don’t solve your problems. Your problems can’t be ‘solved’ outside of yourself. Ultimately, this is good news, the best news. You are the source and solution of your life experiences. Your coaching relationship is designed to provide you with unconditional support as you embark on your journey of solutions. The experiences you currently define as problems will appear and disappear, morph, bend, expand, dissipate, explode, and vanish, at any given time. That’s the nature of problems and solutions, in our ever-changing world. What you consider a problem, and how you define one, will evolve as your consciousness does. So: You solve your own problems and your Life Coach plays particular roles to support you. That all being said, there are challenges a Life Coach is designed to support you in addressing, transcending, transforming, and surrendering. Let’s examine a few of these major areas together:

Relationship with Self

Your relationship with your self is the most critical relationship of your Life. You are the common denominator of your life experiences. Wherever you go, there you are. How you See yourself, how you feel about yourself, your intimate sense of Self… these inner dynamics flow from the inside out. From your own consciousness, through your choices and actions, out into the world. A good Life Coach will support you in cultivating a balanced, empowered, evolving relationship with yourself. If you’re looking to work with a Coach exclusively on external problems, with no relationship to your inner world, there are coaches for you. Other Coaches, like myself, See the immense importance of habitually highlighting the relationship between our outer ‘problems’ and our relationship with our Self. Your Coach has the opportunity to reflect your magnificence back to you, and to support you in seeing what is currently cloudy or blind. As your Coach, it is my job to remind you of Who You Are (according to you) and what you are capable of. Our relationship is built on trust and it is my job to hold you high, in your greatness.

Vision, Direction, & Purpose

A high-quality Life Coach will support you in cultivating clarity around your Vision, Direction, and Purpose in Life. Taking the time to get really clear on your priorities is an immensely valuable practice. Oftentimes, we don’t take the time to slow down and ask ourselves the most important questions. We become accustomed to our habits, routines, and comfort zones. They lure us with their charm of convenience, comfort, and familiarity. A Life Coach will support you in creating a meaningful, exciting Life. A Life that inspires you and sets you on fire. From this standpoint, a Life Coach solves the problems of ambiguity, complacency, and self-defeating perspectives. Your coaching relationship is designed to support you in getting really clear on where you’re going and WHY!

Structure & Accountability

Once you get clarity around your Vision, Direction, and Purpose, it’s time to take Action! Your Coach will support you in generating structure around what’s most important to you and a specific action plan to accomplish it. You will get clear overall goals and the specific action steps it takes to achieve them with your Coach. In service of this plan, you will generate personal commitments and share those with your Coach. Your Coach will lovingly hold you accountable to your own Word. Integrity is an integral part of your success and a thriving coaching relationship. As your Coach, I will generate safe and supportive structures for you to thrive and grow in. I will also hold you accountable to your Word, based on our mutual agreement and understanding of the process. If you’re ready to get started, inquire within!