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So far Matt Spangler has created 34 blog entries.

Integrity | Flex It Like A Muscle

 Just like we're flexing muscles when we run, we’re also flexing our Integrity when we follow through on what we say we're gonna do. Every time you get clear on what you’re committed to… You declare it and you follow through… that's you flexing your muscle of integrity. It's an important step to first get this clarity. Boil it down to what you’re committed to, trim away the fat. So often ‘what we're up

2021-09-29T10:20:50-08:00January 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Power Poses 2021 | Lead With Your Body

2021: I know it’s just an ‘idea’, but I invite you to think of it as the next chapter of your life. How can we live more deeply grounded in our Heart Space and less from our heads this year? How can we drop into our bodies and live from the visceral grounded-ness of our temple, our first home? Less from regret, speculation, conjecture, and manipulation. Can we ground into the intelligence contained within the

2021-09-29T14:49:51-08:00January 7th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Connect To Your Future Self

Who remembers those bracelets that said WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? The bracelet and the acronym were designed to have us put ourselves in Jesus's shoes as a form of guidance. That got me thinking... we can actively practice that same thing in our own way, no matter our faith or what we identify with religiously/philosophically... but standing in that question of 'What Would My Higher Self Do' or 'How Would My Higher Self Show

2021-09-29T14:58:15-08:00December 31st, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments


BREATHWORK ? • Breathwork is an incredible experience. It’s a practice whereby the benefits exponentially increase + integrate over time, just like Meditation. • Breathwork releases stress from the body and cultivates orderliness in the nervous system. It generates space in the body, which generates space in the mind. This expands consciousness. I’ve experienced a flood of beautiful ideas, intuitions, and new perspectives both during and after my practice. Breathwork uproots and neutralizes trauma that

2021-09-29T14:57:17-08:00September 9th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Restoring Our Original Name

Greetings Folks, After temporary deliberation we feel that sticking to our original brand name, 'The Meditation Effect', is what best represents who we are and the services we offer. Our website domain will continue to be TheMeditationEffect.com, as it has been since Day 1. We are working diligently to ensure our social media accounts accurately represent our brand name. Warm Regards, Matthew Spangler Founder - The Meditation Effect

2021-09-29T14:55:13-08:00June 28th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Strategy of Ignoring

          Pretending we're unaware of something is a clever tactic the mind uses to avoid vulnerability, to avoid stretching ourselves in a new direction, and to delay necessary action. There is a payoff to our pretense: If we don't know, we can continue to play small and play it safe; we can repeat the past and we don't have to change. Are there things we are genuinely unaware of? Of course. Most things.

2021-09-29T14:49:16-08:00October 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Our Most Intimate Obstacle: Freedom From The Story Within

Our story and its audience… The human mind is a story-telling machine. We are the audience to our very own live-stream monologue of ideas, judgments, and evaluations. These interpretations collect, quickly orchestrating themselves into a symphony of beliefs, both obvious and subtle. Identifying with particular beliefs is what shapes our subjective experience of life, moment to moment. The headliner, the story that deserves the most attention (and quite possibly the biggest revision), is the story

2021-09-29T10:24:30-08:00August 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Calendar Cake

When it comes to creating a daily schedule, have your cake and eat it too. GROWING UP, I've been relatively resistant to TO-DO lists and creating structure in my day. Some of this resistance had been 'sourced' in feeling over-protected as a child, so I left my days unstructured and spontaneous as an act of rebellion.  Some of it had to do with laziness and the momentum that stagnation can bring. Nonetheless, this pattern was ultimately one

2021-09-29T10:34:06-08:00July 26th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments


NOTICE that when we don't fully learn a lesson, the lesson appears again. Perhaps in a new form/circumstance/person. Perhaps the same blatant situation on repeat mode. Nonetheless, it tends to appear again and again. A lesson can be defined as an experience that contains an opportunity for growth through heightened self-awareness. An example from my own life: I often have morning appointments. When I don't give myself ample time for my morning routine,  I enter the appointment

2021-09-29T14:55:51-08:00July 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Relationship Reflections

      Relationships are at the heart of the human experience. The quality of our relationships are crucial to the quality of our lives. It is commonplace to perceive those around us as separate. They have their own bodies, their own thoughts, their own history, their own struggles, and their respective circumstances. That being said, what if how we experienced others had a lot more to do with us than we thought? What if how

2021-09-29T10:24:56-08:00July 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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